Upcoming Food Events

Image by Uwe Conrad from Pixabay

If there were any doubt about my love of cooking for crowds, my sense of anticipation as I head into August would end it. I have two events for that month. The smaller event is a meet-and-greet for my beloved Cherry Creek Chorale. I’ll make some cookies and also one of my savory cheesecakes from my cookbook. Someone else will bring fruit and bottled water. This food will very much fit into the “food as fellowship” role. We’ll be meeting at 6:30, so after dinner. The food is simply a reason, an excuse, for people to come early, stand around, and talk. All perfectly legitimate.

The bigger event will be the last of the pre-service breakfasts being served at my church. We started these in April, and they’ve been very successful. Once we’re into September our schedule will change and these events will be over for the time being. So I’m planning on a big blowout, perhaps making one of my sweet-roll variations and also doing a bangup version of hash browns, using the magical freeze-dried ones from Costco and building from there. I’ll do sausages and fruit, too. It’ll be great.

And with that I’ll be plunging into a somewhat-normal year. We’re planning to start up our regular four-concerts-a-year schedule for the Chorale, with the first performances in October. I’m not sure what the post-concert receptions are going to look like this year, but I’m hoping for a return on that front. I’ll be doing the retreat breakfasts as usual. We aren’t having the Chorale picnic this year, but I’m sure there will be an annual dinner next May. The church women’s retreat is in October and the Christmas dinner/party in December. On the whole I’ll probably be in charge of one big event per month through next May. Woo-hoo!

I love the idea of planning out the menus and drawing up the shopping lists. Yes, there will be times for each of these events when I’ll be tired and tempted to cut an item or two from the lineup. I’m hoping, though, to put into effect the lessons I’ve learned over the many years I’ve been doing this: doing as much as possible ahead of time, resisting the temptation to say “oh, I’ll just finish it up in the morning,” and doing due diligence on delegating.

If you’d like to get the recipes for the dark beer brownies or the savory lemon cheesecake that I plan to make for the chorale get-together, be sure to get my cookbook!

Eat Meals, Not Snacks

Image by vivienviv0 from Pixabay

Small changes can make a big difference in your weight and health, as I keep a-sayin’ and a-sayin.’ Here’s a great small change you can make:


As I’ve said before, you can exercise three seconds of self-control as you pass by the cookie aisle, or the candy aisle, or the “salty snacks” aisle, and just refuse to go down into that valley of temptation, or you can bring junky stuff home and then have to resist it every time you walk by the pantry or the bowl on the coffee table. Just don’t buy it in the first place! In fact, here’s the question you should ask yourself whenever you see a bag or box that attracts your attention:


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How Did the Celebratory Church Breakfast Go?

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Splendidly, that’s how. Remember the story of the plague of locusts that descended on Egypt in the Old Testament book of Exodus? Well, the nicest-possible locusts (we’ll say a swarm and not a plague) pretty much vacuumed up the food that I and my helpers made for yesterday’s before-church breakfast to celebrate our once again meeting as a full church. It was fabulous!

So here’s what I did, and here’s the one glitch I had (which I still haven’t figured out completely)—

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You Have a Shot at a Free Copy of My Cookbook!

Feeding the Masses without Losing Your Mind: Recipes, Equipment, Ingredients, and Unbelievably-Granular Advice for your ne...Is everyone starting to feel as if we’re digging out of the tunnel and breathing fresh air? I sure do. I got my second vaccine shot on Monday, March 8, so almost two weeks ago, and after being pretty much wiped out for most of the next day I felt fine and have continued to do so. (Charlie Sykes, a political commentator whom my husband and I follow obsessively, said that for about 12 hours after getting his second shot he thought he’d been beaten up by a gorilla. My symptoms were more along the lines of being punched a few times by a chimp.)

Okay. On to the subject at hand. If society is starting to open up again, that means just one thing:


We’re going to have wedding receptions. We’re going to have cookouts. (Hey, we were specifically promised that we could have those by July 4!) We’re going to have birthday parties, and special dinners, and brunches. What do all of those events have in common?


And that’s why you need a copy of my new cookbook.

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Some Year-End Thoughts

Image by Erad from Pixabay

Have you just recently started getting posts from this blog? The pause was caused mainly by an accidental change in our mailing-list service. It was also at least somewhat caused by the fact that I hadn’t been writing many posts recently, as I’ve been concentrating on my music blog. For 2021, though, I’m going to set the goal of writing a post a week here. Remember, this isn’t a food blog as such, or a cooking blog. It’s a site that concentrates on the part that food should play in our lives. (“Roles,” remember.) Ideally, all the food that you eat should fulfill at least one of these two roles:

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Maybe You Can Cut Some Items from Your Menu!

Just a thought. As I sit here late Tuesday afternoon my mother-in-law and I have done some menu simplification. We’ve ended up having only 11 people (and we’re happy to see all of them, of course), and so in the end Jan was the voice of reason and said, no, we didn’t really need a turkey plus a turkey breast, plus three kinds of gravy, plus two kinds of stuffing. We have one vegan guest and I want to have items she can eat, so that’s a nice challenge. Here’s what we’re having, with links to recipes that are linkable:

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A Lovely, Festive Holiday Sweet Roll Recipe—That’s Not Too Sweet!

Closeup of cranberry walnut rolls
photo: Jim Simons

For the main dish at the Cherry Creek Chorale’s Saturday-morning rehearsal breakfast, I’m making my old reliable Union Square Breakfast Casserole. I didn’t make enough of my Caramel-Apple French Toast casseroles last time; I think for this event I’ll make a six-fold batch. But . . . I have some nice ham on hand that I need to use up, so I’m just going to dice that up and use it instead of the Italian sausage called for, and I’m going to make 1/3 (so two panfuls) without the ham so it can be vegetarian/kosher. I won’t have to brown sausage, which is a whole step in the recipe. [Also, later update: I didn’t do the fresh mushrooms, nor did I cube the bread. The casseroles were pretty thrown together, but they tasted great.] You do need to follow the recipe for the egg/milk proportions and for the basic amount of bread, but beyond that you can do pretty much what you want. Which I did!

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Happy Halloween! (And How to Stay Away from the Candy)

I have a podcast on my “favorites” list from Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary, the flagship divinity school for the Southern Baptist Convention. I’ve heard him preach a number of times at our former church, Capitol Hill Baptist, which we attended from 1999 to our move here in 2009. He’s a great guy for whom I have great respect and is very much concerned about the direction our society is going, but sometimes this concern causes him to overreact a little. So back when the whole drag-queen story-hour brouhaha broke out (and if you missed out on that one, lucky you! I’m a committed David Frenchian on the subject), Dr. Mohler saw it as a “cultural crisis.” We all needed to Do Something About It. But the thing of it was, and is, that these events are local and non-compulsory. Giving so much attention to them vaulted the performers into the spotlight for weeks.

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Take a Sip Instead of a Snack

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

Hi folks! I’m rather taken aback to see that it’s been over a month since I posted anything on this blog. Are you a subscriber? If not, sign up on the sidebar. How about to my other blog, Behind the Music? You can also sign up for that one on the same form, or you can follow the link and see what’s going on there first. That blog seems to be consuming a lot of my time and attention these days, but I’m still very interested in writing about food and health, so I want to make a stab at keeping both sites going.

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The Falsity of “Don’t Allow Yourself to Get Hungry”

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Just back on Monday from a lightning-like trip to North Carolina to celebrate the 80th birthday of a family member. Such a nice time! Once again, as I mentioned back in May, much of that time was spent eating in restaurants—or at the party itself, of course. I tried to be very conscious of the time between meals, as no sooner had we finished one session than we started talking about the next: “Where are we going for dinner?” “What are we doing for lunch?” Also, the inevitable “Are we going to Goodberry’s?”

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