It’s How You Think that Counts

Telling Yourself the Truth by William Backus and Marie Chapian, Bethany House Publishers, 1980, most recent reprint 2000.

I read this book about 30 years ago when I was an adjunct professor at the  University of Colorado at Denver.  One of my assignments to my freshman comp class was to write a book review, and one of my students wrote about this book.  It’s funny how vividly I remember discussing its ideas with her and how little I tried to put them into practice!

The premise of this book is so simple as to seem simplistic:  change your beliefs, your thoughts, so that you are telling yourself the truth, and your life will change.

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How a two-hour class . . .

. . . added to my happiness.

I’m often reminded about the necessity of pressing on with our plans and resolutions in spite of our inability to fulfill them perfectly.  What keeps us going, though?  Where does the motivation come from?  We often think that bawling ourselves out and heaping on the blame will work, but those methods are counter-productive.  What does work?  Inspiration.  “I have to do this or else” has to become “I get to do this.  I want to do this.”  

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