Further Encouragement for Master Recipes (Esp. for Salad Dressing)

Image by jlarbig from Pixabay

You may remember that I said w-a-a-a-y back last September that I had shipped the final manuscript for my cookbook to the tech department (i.e., my husband) and that we were planning to get it out perhaps before Thanksgiving but certainly before Christmas. I then gave you some previews, one for my salad dressing chapter. Well! Didja notice that there was no cookbook by the end of last year? We decided to release it later, this spring, with the hope that people would be planning parties for the summer by then and there would be all this pent-up demand for a cookbook specifically aimed at such occasions. That’s still the plan. Here it is the beginning of the fourth week in February; we should release it early next month, I think. Then I plan to do a few little demos highlighting the ideas from various chapters.

In the meantime, though, I’ve re-read the manuscript about 12 times, or so it seems. I got rather tickled at this from the great, great Smitten Kitchen blog, with the author talking about her first cookbook:

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