Post-Partay Thoughts (And a Great Pistachio Cupcake Recipe)

Image by TanteTati from Pixabay

So . . . this past Friday, March 6, was the Irish concert by the Cherry Creek Chorale, a great, great occasion. And afterwards was the reception (which, thankfully, is held only after the Friday-night concert, not the Saturday-night one.) I made three items: my Spicy Cheddar Cookies, Guinness Brownies, and Pistachio Cupcakes. Follow the links to the first two recipes if you’re interested. And for the wonderful frosting I made, go here. I’m giving the recipe for the pistachio cupcakes below. For the Guinness Brownies I’m linking to the post over at Sally’s Baking Addiction. Note, though, that I ended up just using the white chocolate-cream cheese frosting linked to above for those as well as for the pistachio cupcakes. I had made a double batch of the frosting and realized that I had plenty for all of them. I

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A Fabulous, Rich Chocolate Tart That’s Vegan–But You’d Never Know It

Image by code404 from Pixabay; to see original photos go to

I’m not a vegan myself nor do I plan to ever become one, but it’s an interesting challenge to have a vegan guest for dinner. My friend Aubrey had made some vegan chocolate tartlets last year for our church Christmas party and I just about passed out when I ate one of them. Astonishing! I couldn’t believe that it didn’t have any butter or eggs in it. So I set out to reproduce this experience as part of our desserts for my sister-in-law’s birthday dinner on Dec. 30 since a vegan friend of hers was coming, and I found one online that sounded pretty good. The original was also gluten free, but I had no need for that and didn’t want to buy tapioca starch and sweet rice flour. I can’t stand being told that I need some specialty ingredient but only a small amount! The original called for only two tablespoons of the tapioca flour, so I’d be buying a whole bag that would then sit on my pantry shelf. But one item that the recipe does call for and which you should always have on hand is tahini, that is, sesame-seed paste. I’ve bought high-end tahini through the mail (and paid a pretty high-end price), but actually I like the stuff you can find at the grocery store just fine. Tahini and chocolate are an inspired combination.

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Easy, Rich Chocolate Cupcakes

rich chocolate cupcakes

Pretty nice-looking cupcake, isn’t it?  Beautifully domed, perfectly sized for the muffin tin cup.  And the inside was moist and delicious, in spite of the fact that I overbaked it a bit.  (Note to self:  Be sure to use the oven timer that measures minutes and seconds, not hours and minutes, when baking something that requires minutes.  If I hadn’t realized at about the 20-minute mark that I’d set the wrong timer, the above would be a picture of a lump of chocolate coal.  As it was, they probably baked about five minutes more than necessary.)  I did frost these with an unbelievably delicious chocolate buttercream, but I’ll be discussing that recipe in a later post.

Below are are two comparison shots of the cupcakes this week and the ones last week.

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Lava You Don’t Get from a Volcano

chocolate lava cake a la modeHere’s a shot of one of the chocolate lava cakes I made for my brother-in-law’s birthday party.  I think the last time I made these was for the same occasion, two years ago.  Gideon has said periodically since then that I should make them again, and my answer has always been, “I’ll make them for Ed’s birthday.”  So here they are.  I made some changes from the recipe I found online, and this is now a pretty standard recipe anyway. I did find it interesting that, as for a number of recipes, the innovation came about because of a mistake. Its originator, chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten, apparently pulled a chocolate cake out of the oven too soon and realized that its underbaked warm center was actually an asset. Then he must have developed the individual cakes that are usual today. A full-sized version would be very messy to serve.

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Small Cheesecakes with a Great Flavor Combination

Four chocolate pumpkin cheesecake cupcakesA number of years ago I was asked to do the rehearsal dinner for a gluten-intolerant bride.  I wanted to make a dessert that she could eat, and I was told that she liked chocolate and pumpkin.  Hmmm.  I hadn’t ever really thought of that flavor combination, but it sounded pretty good.  So I went online to see what ideas were out there, and I came up with a pumpkin-chocolate pie, basically a two-layer cheesecake baked as a pie.  It had a crumb crust, which I couldn’t use, so I needed a way to make it easy to slice and eat without one.  That’s how I came up with the idea of making it in muffin cups, and I called them “timbales.”  Sounded pretty classy, and they were a great hit.  Awhile after the dinner we were told that what the bride actually liked was raw pumpkin from the can mixed with chocolate chips!  (I could have saved myself a lot of work by just serving a bowlful of that combination.)  You’ll note that the picture doesn’t have the muffin liners, and that the timbales look a bit messy.  That’s because I discovered at 6:15 AM that I didn’t have any liners. They are definitely easier and neater with the liners.  Since I’m not making these gluten-free any more, I’ve added the chocolate-graham-cracker crust.

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