You Have a Shot at a Free Copy of My Cookbook!

Feeding the Masses without Losing Your Mind: Recipes, Equipment, Ingredients, and Unbelievably-Granular Advice for your ne...Is everyone starting to feel as if we’re digging out of the tunnel and breathing fresh air? I sure do. I got my second vaccine shot on Monday, March 8, so almost two weeks ago, and after being pretty much wiped out for most of the next day I felt fine and have continued to do so. (Charlie Sykes, a political commentator whom my husband and I follow obsessively, said that for about 12 hours after getting his second shot he thought he’d been beaten up by a gorilla. My symptoms were more along the lines of being punched a few times by a chimp.)

Okay. On to the subject at hand. If society is starting to open up again, that means just one thing:


We’re going to have wedding receptions. We’re going to have cookouts. (Hey, we were specifically promised that we could have those by July 4!) We’re going to have birthday parties, and special dinners, and brunches. What do all of those events have in common?


And that’s why you need a copy of my new cookbook.

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What I Ate for Lunch Today–And a Great New Recipe

I have a subscription to the New York Times mainly because of Melissa Clark, a cookbook author and food writer who is absolutely the most charming, delightful, quirky, quirkily delightful, delightfully quirky . . . well, you get the picture. I periodically go onto her website to check out any new stuff. (It occurred to me while I was writing this post that I could subscribe to her updates, which I just did. However, the stuff she writes specifically for the Times goes over to their website, so not all of her stuff is available directly through her.) I asked for her recent cookbook The New Essentials of French Cooking for Christmas from my son, and he is now tasked with picking out a recipe from the book for me to make before he heads back to college. (I say “recent” because Clark is such a prolific producer of cookbooks and so if I said “new” or “newest” I would probably be incorrect by now.)

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Two Great Cookbooks from My Two Great Guys.

Deep Run Roots by Vivian Howard cookbook book cover

Image from
Image from
​We had a great Christmas at our house. How about you? I wanted to make my book(s) of the week the two cookbooks I received as gifts, one from my husband Jim and the other from my son Gideon. I love both, but they’re very different from each other. I thought it would be fun to do a comparison review for my weekly book post.

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