Beware of Negative Emotional Contagion

So, several weeks ago I put together one of my four-times-a-season retreat breakfasts for the wonderful, wonderful choir to which I belong. (Be sure to get your tickets now.) I had actually done a pretty good job of getting things done ahead of time, making up my chile-corn-cheese casseroles the night before and also the cranberry-orange rolls from Smitten Kitchen. (Mine didn’t have glaze–too sweet.) I had loaded up the car with supplies the night before also, a task I usually postpone until the frantic morning of the event. Really, as I look back on the whole thing I don’t see any particular reason for me to have been at all frazzled. I think that perhaps I didn’t get on the road quite as early as I meant to, but even that’s a little doubtful.

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The Future Will Become the Present

Yesterday I wrote about what was going on in our lives one year ago as we finally got a diagnosis for our son Gideon and started him on the treatment that cured his cancer.  So you’d think that I’d be rejoicing at any and everything that happened this week, since nothing could be as bad as that was.  Right?  Right.  You would think that.  And yet, there I was on Tuesday, grumbling and complaining to myself about the dinner I was making for my beloved community chorale’s annual business meeting.  “I wish this were over with,” I thought.  I had the sensation that I often have when I’m doing something I don’t particularly want to do, feeling as if I’m being dragged along unwillingly towards the event I’m preparing for.

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The Allergy Analogy

Man!  What’s in the air these days?  Nothing much is blooming yet, but I’m having an awful, disgusting, terrible time with my allergies.  If I’m not blowing my nose, I’m coughing.  I feel horrible.  All I can hope for is that whatever it is goes away soon.

I’ve been treated extensively over the past 4 1/2 years in an effort to get rid of these symptoms.  I’ve been tested by the well-known “prick test.”  I’ve used allergy drops under my tongue every day for about four years.  I’ve had sinus surgery.  I’ve been prescribed nasal sprays and oral medications.  And still my problems persist.  Tonight I have chorale rehearsal and plan to sit in the back where I can blow my nose without disturbing everyone around me.  I’ll also take a day-time cold remedy, which helps some, and squirt my current not-very-effective-but-better-than-nothing nasal spray up my poor beleaguered nose.

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