Today’s my birthday, so I can write what I want! So first of all I’m going to say that my dear friend Cecelia (and many others feel the same) always said that she considered her birthday to be the start of a new year for her. Guess what? I turned 70 today. Is that even possible? Jim and I went out for breakfast and walked about four miles total to and from. It was fun! And it was a good start to my plan to walk EVERY DAY IN APRIL. Then, as a reward, I’m going to walk EVEN MORE by climbing The Incline at Manitou Springs. Glutton for punishment, that’s me.
I also have my menu nailed down for Saturday’s Cherry Creek Chorale breakfast. (I had said I was going to do a crepe bar twice this month but realized that I needed something simpler and more finger-food-friendly for the choir’s event, as we’re still supposed to kind of disperse during breaks so that the “aerosols” can dissipate. People need to be able to wander around with their food and eat it on the hoof, as it were.)
So here’s what we’re going to have:
Fruit (brought my one of my gallant helpers)
Dried apple slices (ditto)
GF treats (ditto)
Hard-boiled eggs (me)
Energy bites (me)
Many mini muffins (me)
Plus coffee and juice
This is so much simpler than the big extravaganzas I used to have, when I’d haul out the chafing dishes and have some kind of hot breakfast casserole. Those days may or may not come again. We’ll see.
Here are the recipes I’m using:
Sally’s Baking Addiction applesauce muffins—the recipe makes 12, but I’m putting them in mini-muffin tins and so will get 36. That’s probably enough with everything else, but I may also make the cranberry ones from my cookbook.
Pumpkin Energy Bites and Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Bites—these little balls are no-bake (although decided not no-work) and endlessly adaptable. I plan to use almond butter in one and peanut butter in the other. They can be made ahead and frozen or refrigerated.
Have a great beginning to April, but no not-so-funny pranks tomorrow, and come back next week for yet another tweaked salad dressing and a report on how the breakfast went. Coming up: Easter breakfast at my church for about 100. The fun never stops!