Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
As I’ve said lo these many times on this blog (both before and after re-naming it to reflect my major new emphasis on food), I’m a personality type called an Obliger, part of a four-part personality framework that Gretchen Rubin created. (Take the quiz here to find out your type.) It’s a framework that’s very helpful—I think, anyway—because it doesn’t try to explain everything about a person. Instead, it focuses on one narrow part of personality: how you respond to expectations, either inner or outer. Obligers, who make up the largest group (about 40%, according to a study that Gretchen commissioned), respond very readily to outer expectations—that is, what others expect of them—but don’t do well with the expectations they have for themselves. In other words, they don’t tend to be great self-starters. I had always recognized this lack in myself but thought of it as a character flaw. I was lazy. I was unmotivated. I was a procrastinator. Then I realized that this was simply the way I am, and that I needed to deal with my personality type in a productive and positive way. There was no sense in berating myself, but neither was there any sense in just excusing myself. ‘Oh well, that’s just me,’ wasn’t going to cut it.