Year of No Sugar: A Memoir by Eve Schaub, first published 2014. I read this book way back in 2014, having seen it on the new-book shelves at our local library. It had a catchy cover, and I was just getting awakened (awoke?) to how high my sugar consumption was and how I needed to cut down. So I thought the book might help me with my own struggles. But I have to say that I didn’t enjoy it much. I remember skimming parts and thinking that the book was losing steam as it went on. I ended up getting the book Sweet Poison by David Gillespie that had kicked off the Schaub’s family project and writing about it.
Then somehow last week I ran across the book again and checked out the Kindle version. This time I enjoyed it thoroughly, laughing out loud several times a chapter. Eve Schaub is a very, very funny woman with a gift for ridiculous similes. I have no idea why I didn’t care for the book the first time around. Maybe I’m just more attuned now to this whole idea of severely limiting sugar in our diet than I was back then. Who knows?