Are You Missing Out on What I Offer?

A short post today in which I publicize my other blogs and platforms and encourage you to subscribe. Here goes:

1. Are you subscribed to this blog? You may have stumbled upon it in a Google search. If so, and you’d like to get e-mailed updates, be sure to use the signup form on the sidebar. Whenever I post something new you’ll get a brief e-mail with a link to the actual post. This happens 3-4 times a week at most, and the posts themselves are fairly brief. I try to keep things no longer than about 1,000 words. You’ll get the title and the first line or so. If that doesn’t grab you, just delete that e-mail, and another one will show up in a few days that you may like better.

2. I also have an “author” Facebook page on which I post links to my blog, along with some extra articles on the ideas of food and healthy eating. If you’d like to access my material that way, go to Debi Simons.LI. You can “follow” me if you’d like, but you don’t have to! (See Note below about Facebook.)

3. Are you a music fan? Then you might enjoy the material I write for the Cherry Creek Chorale here in the Denver area on my Behind the Music website. We put on four regular concerts a year, and during each concert rehearsal period I write a post a week about what we’re singing. I’ve been doing this for almost seven years now, so that adds up to quite a bit of material. We sing all kinds of music, from Allegri to ABBA.

4. Are you interested in our current political situation? Then you might enjoy my posts on the Intentional Conservative website. I’ve reined myself in, though, on writing too much of my own material. As I say, there are lots of people out there writing better stuff than I do, and they get paid for doing so! When something really catches my eye, though, I will sometimes cave in and post something. If you’d like to read a carefully-curated stream of articles from all sorts of sources, though, I’d encourage you to follow me on my personal Facebook page. See Note below on Facebook.

5. I also have a Twitter feed, and I’m trying to be consistent about just throwing everything on there. So if you’re a member of the Little Blue Bird society you can follow me and get a stream of all of the above stuff. It’s not up to date with old posts but should be showing current ones.

6. Note about the “Intentional Hospitality” –the material on that site is being transferred over to this one, as it’s now part of the “Respect Food Roles” idea. It’s taking me awhile, because my recipes don’t import via my plugin, plus I’m re-reading everything. As you keep reading my blog you’ll see changes on the menu bar to reflect these changes/updates.

Notes on Facebook:

FB is getting thoroughly condemned for some of its deceptive practices, and rightly so. I have a number of friends who say, “I don’t use Facebook” or “We don’t allow Facebook on our computers” or whatever, and those people have every right to hold that opinion. FB can be this giant time suck as you go off on one rabbit trail after another. It also can be a source of your information getting out there in ways you don’t want. So I completely understand the no-FB rationale. I just want people to read my stuff! I use my personal FB page very, very differently from the way most people do because I never post anything personal on it. It’s simply a news aggregator, à la The Drudge Report. (“Debi’s Drudge Report”–how does that sound? You’’ll notice that I’m not linking to the actual Drudge site, which is, in addition to its many other problems, the world’s ugliest website. I could, in theory, set up my own aggregator, but that’s not anything I want to do.) My author page, on the other hand, is simply a way for me to get my own material and other relevant articles out there on a separate platform. Both of my pages are public, so you don’t have to be a friend or a follower to read them, but you do have to have a FB account to read any FB pages.

In order to sign up for a FB account you’ll have to provide a name for the account, your date of birth, your e-mail or cellphone #, and your gender. You’ll also need to create a password. Doing this will allow you to access others’ posts. You don’t have to do anything with your own page; it will just be blank if that’s what you want. And you don’t have to “friend” or “follow” anyone if, again, you don’t want to do that. But you will be free to say to yourself, “Hmm. I wonder what Debi’s posted today?” and wander over to my page. (You’ll be asked to sign in first, but you can stay signed in if you want.) Here’s an FB article that lays it all out:

How Do I Create a Facebook Account?

And that’s it for today. Hope to see you on my subscriber list!