Further small thoughts . . .

. . . on the importance of small things!

I quote here an example given many years ago by Sparky Pritchard, then an associate pastor at my church.  He was talking specifically about Bible study, but this analogy could apply in many areas:

Sometimes people ask what they should do when they don’t feel like reading the Bible, or don’t feel as if they’re getting anything out of it.  I tell them that you don’t always enjoy it.  Sometimes your Bible study time is like taking your vitamins:  totally unexciting, but you know it’s good for you.  Other times your experience may be more like eating a bowl of cold cereal:  It’s nourishing and somewhat tasty, but not all that great.  But then you experience the Bible as if it’s peaches and cream.  Here’s the thing, though:  you never get to that dessert stage without being willing to go through the vitamins stage.  In other words, you have to be consistent:  do the (seemingly) small thing of being in the Word daily.

Just as I said a couple of days ago:  the small series of faithful actions adds up.