A Lesson in Logical Thinking

JFK Assassination Logic:  How to Think about Claims of Conspiracy by John McAdams, Potomac Books, 2011.

I freely admit it–I’m a JFK assassination junkie and periodically get drawn into the vortex of the massive amount of material that’s out there.  You could make a full-time job out of just watching all the videos on YouTube on the subject. (Not that I’ve done that–yet!)  I can tell you Oswald’s scores on his two Marine Corps rifle tests (“sharpshooter” and “marksman”–with scores of 212 and 191, respectively), how much he weighed (150 pounds), how tall he was (5’9″), the path of the single bullet that hit Kennedy and Connally (basically straight and slanting downward), the length of the brown-paper package of so-called curtain rods that Oswald brought to work the morning of Nov. 22 (38 inches), why he bought the rifle that he

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“All men seek happiness . . .

Blaise pascal.jpg. . . This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is the motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves.”
Blaise Pascal

What do you think?  We’ve all said, “I’ll regret this tomorrow,” or “I’ll be sorry I did this.”  (I’ve said it recently about my giving in to the temptation of watching just one more episode of “The Great British Bake-Off”–of which more later.)  So, if we do something that we know we’ll wish we hadn’t, does that action refute Pascal’s statement above?

Are You an Orchid . . .

, , , or a dandelion?

I’ve been doing some reading in the past couple of weeks about introverts vs. extroverts and ran across this comparison.  It’s actually about children, not people in general.  So, dandelions thrive anywhere, they’re tough, and they’re cheerful.  They don’t know the meaning of the word “no.”  But orchids . . . well, they’re finicky.  They have exacting requirements for life.  They’re either spectacular — or dead.   Which are you, and which would you rather be?

Healthy dandelions in green grassPale yellow orchid