Is the Whole30 Diet a Whole Lotta Nonsense?

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Now you know what I’m going to say:

If it’s a fad, forget it.

And if there were ever a fad diet, Whole30 is it. It has become especially popular among young(er) people, with Facebook groups and the whole nine yards. Meanwhile, actual nutritionists and dieticians, people who study science, are clutching their heads and moaning.

I could just re-write the posts I wrote on the food-sensitivity tests for my material on this eating plan, but I won’t, because there are some additional fats in the fire (ha!) here. First, let me tell you a story:

So, this woman I know said that she had been in a town where she had lots of old friends, and a group of them decided to go out to dinner.

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So if the Food Sensitivity Diet Is a Scam, Why Do People Feel Better on It?

In the previous post I discussed what the popular “food sensitivity” tests are actually testing, which is exposure and not actual food reactions. This one fact explains why the lists of forbidden foods that people get are so similar: a conventional American diet is going to have lots of gluten, dairy, and corn, with probably a lesser amount of soy. Getting rid of these four items will mean, for most people, a huge shift in their eating, often coming with the possibility of the loss of important nutrients. But the 

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Food Sensitivity Testing–Science or Scam?

I don’t know how many people reading this post are following a food-sensitivity diet regimen or are supporting someone who is, but I’m sure there are some. So let me say first of all that my purpose here is not to offend but to inform. I got a little tickled/horrified recently with some comments regarding my keto diet posts. One woman said, in essence, “Why is Debi doing this? She’s not going to make any money by keto-diet bashing.” Then she named some diet celebrity whose

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Should you become part of the Brady Bunch?

refer to caption
image accessed via Wikipedia.

Hi folks!

I should have posted this right after the Super Bowl, when (sigh) Tom Brady pulled it out yet again. At least everybody said it was the most boring SB ever. I don’t care much for Tom Brady—can you tell? Of course, one might ask, “Who asked you, Debi?” And I give him full, full props for his total unflappability and steel under fire. Hey, arrogance has its upside.

Anyway, though, I hadn’t realized that Mr. Brady, just like every other celebrity on the planet, has his own very special diet plan with his own very special science. Well, it’s actually his guru who has all

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Paleo Diet Pitfalls

On to the next fad diet floating around out there! Remember, you don’t need me yammering at you in order to be able to evaluate these ideas. There are very, very simple things to look for:

1. Does the diet have a gimmick or a hook? In the case of the paleo diet, the gimmick is the idea that we need to return to those halcyon days when life expectancy was less than 30 years, there were no antibiotics, and you were in constant danger of starvation. Right, those days!

2. Does the diet have a solid basis in fact or is it just “science-y”? The premise of the paleo diet is that not enough time has passed in our evolutionary history from our hunter-gatherer days (say 10,000 years ago) till now for our bodies to adjust to our modern diet, specifically the food we eat that comes

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