Debi Simons
A Flash of Insight about my Personality
For lack of planning ahead . . .
. . . a blessing was lost!
I call it “the horrible sinking feeling.” It occurs when I get hungry, even though my blood sugar may be perfectly normal. (I’ve checked it at times, including this morning.) I get fuzzy-headed and have this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sometimes I feel sleepy. This morning it happened again as I sat in the lecture of the Bible study group I attend. The teaching director is a wonderful woman who always has great insights; I enjoy and profit from her very much. But I was struggling to stay alert.
Talk More, Listen Less
“Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?” David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
We’re always told to listen more and talk less, aren’t we? The one exception to this rule is in our interactions with ourselves.
Saying “No” Can Be a Positive Action
15 Minutes a Day . . .
. . . can change your life.
Love Must Be Tough: New Hope for Families in Crisis by James Dobson, originally published in 1983 by Word Publishing, now available in many different formats and from many sources.
Do You Follow Your Own Rules?
I write in chapter two of my book, “How Our Emotions Work” (see sidebar for ordering information), that one source of happiness/unhappiness is how well we keep our promises to ourselves. If we cave in and break a promise to someone else there are often consequences, but what happens when we don’t keep our word to ourselves? We are diminished in our own eyes. We feel bad. We berate ourselves: “Why did I do that?” Our blood sugar levels go up. Whatever.
There’s No Art to Find the Mind’s Construction in the Face
It Ain’t About the Money, Honey!
A number of years ago I read an article in the Washington Post Magazine (attempts to track it down online have been unsuccessful) about expensive weddings. The highlight of the story was the description of a couple who spent $100,000 on their special day—and this happened at least a decade ago, when a $100,000 wedding was really a $100,000 wedding.