Football as Metaphor

Yes, on this Black Friday, I am shamelessly promoting my own book. You can see the links on the sidebar for purchasing a paperback, Kindle or e-book edition, so if you’re reading this in the daily e-mail be sure to go to my Intentional Living website so that you can follow those links.
I tried to make this a supremely practical book, with lots of illustrations from my own and others’ lives. (You’ll find out a great deal about my husband and my mother.) Honestly, folks, when I follow my own advice I’m much happier.
So, as I head off to the grocery store (since I’ve really procrastinated about shopping for tomorrow’s meal, and no, I’m not serving a great big turkey that won’t have time to defrost), I want to deliberately think about all the ways God has worked in our lives this year. And to appreciate what He’s doing right now. Tomorrow as we gather I want to be truly present, not stressed and harried about the meal or the cleanup afterwards. What about you? How will you deliberately cultivate thankfulness about the past year?
I would highly recommend these muffins, and you could leave off the topping if you want them to have less sugar. The amount in the muffins themselves isn’t too bad. You do have to measure a fair number of spices and grate apples. I kept trying to talk myself out of putting in the apples when I made this recipe for the first time, as I didn’t want to bother, but I decided I’d better go ahead and include them and I was glad I did. The combination of the pumpkin and the apple is really good, and the apples are probably counted as part of the liquid in the recipe. So it’s kind of a pain, but worth it. These probably aren’t muffins that you’d whip up for a regular weekday breakfast, but they’re very nice for a special occasion.
To get the recipe, follow this link: https://www.intentional-hospitality.com/complicated-but-good-harvest-muffins/
Well, I had a very spiritual book picked out for this week, and I definitely plan to write about it soon. But . . . have you heard the saying “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”? (I think that’s a koan, but I’m not sure.) So there I was at the library a few days ago, looking at the new books display at the top of the stairs as I always do, and here was this one. I love books about chefs. (Although I found Blood, Bones and Butter to be supremely put-down-able.) The organic part doesn’t interest me all that much, I’m not too sorry to say, but I was intrigued by the author because we used to live right outside Washington D.C. and I’d heard of her restaurant there. Not that we ever went–it’s pretty pricey. But I thought it might be fun to read at least some of it. Well, I was hooked right away. It says that she has a “with” author, so I guess Nora herself can’t take all the credit for the beautiful vivid writing, but it’s really a great read.
Here’s the list of (some of) my types:
1. Obliger.
2. Abstainer.
3. Type 1.5 Diabetic. (Probable.)
I’ve discussed #1 a number of times, most recently in A Flash of Insight. . .
Remember the post on “15 Minutes a Day” back at the end of October? I said I had two goals to work on in this very limited regular time: be able to do 20 push-ups and reach C above middle C, both by the end of the year. Today I did 13 push-ups, the most I have ever done in my life, I’m sure. (No, that’s not me in the picture, or even a stylized version of me.) So I’m on track to get to the 20. Yes, they’re just girly push-ups. (The spellcheck on this site seems to think that “pushups” isn’t a word.) But they’re my girly push-ups!
The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home by Dan Ariely, Harper, 2010. Go to Ariely’s website to read more about him and his work. I have linked specifically to his pages on this book.
To make Routine a Stimulus