Two good acronyms . . .

. . . that will help keep you from being BORING.  You know both of these, but they’re so good that they deserve space here.

So the two acronyms are:

MEGO:  “My eyes glaze over.”  It always amazes me that people can’t tell when they’re boring me to tears.  It’s probably just as amazing that I can’t always tell when I’m the one who’s boring.  Not everyone reacts quite as obviously as the woman in the photo.

TMI:  “Too much information.”  Do you really need to go into all that detail?  Probably not.  Edit yourself.

Why am I writing this post?  Because I realized recently that I was talking and talking about my blood-sugar issues.  Do I really need to go into the whole thing yet again every time I’m offered a sweet and feel that I should turn it down?  No, no, no.  Just say, “No thank you” and let it go.  (Just as I don’t need to go into why I don’t eat low-fat ice cream, or indeed low-fat anything if I can possibly help it.)

Just say, “No thank you” and be done with it!